Archive by Author

Massage in Pregnancy

Should I get a massage if I am pregnant? Massage, everyone has heard of it. Most people see it as something that is done as a ‘luxury’ or as a ‘treat.’ Whilst it can most certainly be this, it is important to outline the benefits of having hands on treatment whilst pregnant and after giving […]

Focus On Knee Pain

The main problem with Knee Pain is that it very quickly interferes with the correct function of the surrounding, supporting muscles. This causes a ‘Catch 22’ effect: Pain in the Knee (from whatever source) -> Muscles surrounding the knee become Inhibited and don’t Activate when they should -> Muscles quickly become Weak from Disuse -> […]


Whiplash occurs when your head is suddenly jolted backwards and forwards...


A fracture is a crack on the bone. The most common occurrence of fracture is the stress fracture, which is often the result of bone and joint overuse and abuse during high-impact physical movements such as those in sports like distance running, basketball, et cetera. Albeit sports are not the only activities that entail strenuous […]

Ball of Foot Pain

The pain felt on the ball of the foot is characterised by a stabbing ache while walking barefoot which makes you limp because of it. The “ball of foot” comprises a complex and fragile arrangement of small joints, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, arteries, and veins – all of which are susceptible to injury. The usual […]

Elbow Pain

When the tendons of the elbow (scientifically called lateral epicondyle) are injured, irritated, or inflamed, it becomes a condition labelled as Tennis Elbow – medically termed as lateral epicondylitis. It is a painful condition that is often felt in the area of the arm near the elbow and/or in the elbow itself. Tennis elbow is […]

Flat Feet

Flat feet is a condition that can be difficult to endure for both adults and children alike. Some may feel pain while others may just ignore it and continue with their daily living just like those who have normal feet. Yet, flat feet can cause other conditions that can be painful and debilitating. By the […]

Ankle Injuries

The ankle is a complex joint and is very much affected by the way you walk and by the posture of your foot. If you are experiencing pain in your ankle,  it is best to have your feet and lower limbs assessed by a competent podiatrist or physiotherapist. The attending podiatrist or physiotherapist will examine […]

Knee Injuries

The knee carries the weight of the entire upper body, particularly when we are standing up. In which case, pain on the knee is indeed debilitating. Physiotherapists provide treatment and advice to help assist in its healing or to avoid further deterioration. However, if early treatment is not done, then surgery may the only possible […]