flat-footFlat feet is a condition that can be difficult to endure for both adults and children alike. Some may feel pain while others may just ignore it and continue with their daily living just like those who have normal feet. Yet, flat feet can cause other conditions that can be painful and debilitating. By the time this happens, the damages may have become extensive and irreversible.

Flat feet may not be a problem now but it may have debilitating and permanent consequences in the future. There is an immense debate regarding some literature discussing the normalcy of flat feet. So, at Penrith Physiotherapy & Allied Health Centre, we perform a variety of tests such as biomechanical assessment to ascertain whether the foot posture (of a child or adult) may lead to debilitating problems in the future.

The conditions that commonly result from flat feet include the following:

  • Growth plate injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Neuromas
  • Stress fractures
  • Arch pain
  • Bunions
  • Heel pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Knee, hip and back problems.

At Penrith Physiotherapy & Allied Health Centre, our podiatrists will do a thorough foot posture and walking assessment. Our podiatrists will observe muscle lengths, the range of motion of the joints, the footwear the patient uses, as well as the activities and sports of the person. If we believe that an intervention is necessary, we will develop a management plan to correct your flat feet.